Posts Tagged ‘lyrics’

So I had a moment, an ‘uh huh moment’ as Oprah would say. I was on Twitter when Taylor Momsen of The Pretty Reckless send a tweet saying she did a video for and that we should check out there other videos. So I did mainly out of curiosity to what the fuck it was. This is what I found:

Evanescence Lost In Paradise

It’s a video of Amy Lee of Evanescence verbalizing the lyrics of the song Lost In Paradise (their new single) . That’s when it hit me. It’s the lyrics, it’s always been the lyrics. They’re so deep and dark and enveloping. When I listen to this recording I imagine I’m walking thru a dark forest all alone during the twilight hours. I almost love this more than their actual music. Maybe that’s just me. Maybe I’m mental.

Anyway, my ‘ uh huh moment’ is when I realized that the reason I love Evanescence so much is their lyrical content. It’s not like the trash I hear everyday walking the streets on my off time. I love Ke$ha, but there only so much party music I can listen to before I want to die. My favorite part of the video is the beginning when she says ”I’ve been believing i n something so distant, as if I was human.” That’s my favorite part of the song,  I think it’s the ‘as if I was human.’ part. I think it’s because I don’t feel human.